Symbol of Indian Rupee
Iam surprised at the animosity some people(Indians) are showing
towards accepting a new symbol for Indian Rupee. Reason being given is
1.It is not necessary
2.India is so poor instead of wasting time on Poverty eradication we are
wasting time on stupid symbols
3.We are doing this just to show that we too are in race, we too have it,
just copying others (like $, € and all) etc., etc.,
I think, WHY NOT ?!!!!!
OK, it may not be so necessary, that we can do even without that. But,
However poor you are, when you have a kid you try to have a very good
and unique name for him/her, right?. Since you have a problem(poverty in
this case) it does not mean that you should not think about other things
in life. Dont you celebrate Diwali even if you are poor? Or may be, poor
people should stop celebrating all festivals and should only save money
for food ! As for people saying we do it only to show we are also in race, I
think , so what, what is the problem if we assert overselves? We are not
harming anybody.Remember the most beautiful art and architecture and innovations of Europe flourished when the entire Europe was in great political turmoil and most parts were still struggling with civic problems themselves. At that time nobody ever said art should be stopped.
Tajmahal is a monument of love or just a grave depends on your perception.
ShahJahan should have only grieved on his wife's death ,
stupid fellow even on her death got a beautiful monument built (sic).
Or I have a better idea, we should dissovle India Rupee and India should
go back to Barter system of trade, this will solve the problem of currency
management altogether, we can save that money to buy food !!!
-Sandeep Kulkarni