AAP- An opportunity gained -> an opportunity lost !

As I write this I can say I am so disappointed, rather heartbroken. I had so much expectations form AAP.

Even though AAP members are more of slogan shouters rather than law makers, but I thought maybe a little activisim in law making is the need of the hour and Arvind Kejriwal had the capacity not to let it go out of control.

Best intentions also need best of attitudes to be fulfilled.

As I mentioned in my previous posts many times IAC/AAP phenomena can be a watershed moment in ths history of Indian democracy. At the same time I had also mentioned that the arrogance in a man(party) destroys the good in it/him in no time.

I feel the biggest fallacy of the AAP is its team! Kumar Vishwas, Somnath Bharti are but two examples !

Every statement from the offices of AAP was filled with contempt towards one or the other party. Not a single word of reconciliation and seeking support for the betterment of the state.

Seeing the method of governance of AAP, I felt they are more suited for the opposition benches than on the treasury benches. They can work better as watchdogs than a government.

The immediate reason for the end of AAP government in Delhi even more heartbreaking. The insistance of AAP not to follow constitutional procedures (as we gather from the newspapers) to introduce a bill in the assembly, is a very bad precedent. Ironically AAP was violating the same constituion which it wants to protect from evils like Congress and BJP (sic)!!!

In this matter INC and BJP are both right in insisting that constitutional procedures be followed and AAP had no reason not to do that. If AAP had followed the procedures, just seeking the recommandation from the Lt.Gov. their hands would be clean. If any problems were created by centre through the Lt.Gov. AAP would have had every right to accuse the opposition. But looks like AAP wanted a wayout. They are more happy in Jantar Mantar than in the Vidhan sabha.


- Sandeep Kulkarni


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